Mr Driving School Inc
16 Years Old Program
Dive Right In
This course has been highly regarded by countless students throughout the years, and has provided the perfect foundation to enter the next level of learning. Get in touch with questions or to learn more.
This Course includes:
1. Learner's Permit
2. 6 Behind-The-Wheel Driving
3. Blue Test Waiver
​4. Validation of the Permit
5. Insurance Certificate
17+ Years
Hands-On Learning
Through this course, students have the opportunity to push their skills, techniques and confidence to a new level in a fun, dynamic way. Contact us today to learn more about each of our course offerings.
The course is tailored to your specific needs. Even if you have a lot of driving experience and would like a refresher, or if you are someone who has little to no behind the wheel experience. Our instructors will teach you everything needed to know in order to become confident and safe drivers!
This Course includes:
1. Three 2 hour lessons
2. Complete Road Test service
3. Insurance Certificate